What do you do when your life isn’t working?
I mean, for real, not working?
Not a, “Let me schedule a massage” not working.
Or a “It’s time for a girls’ trip” not working.
I mean, “Is this all there is to life?
I thought there would be more… joy. I’m not sure how much longer I can keep this pace up!” kind of not working.
“Self Care” has become a code word for throwing a thimble of water on a forest fire and thinking that it will put the fire out.
We pretend that getting a massage, getting our nails done, or going on an action-packed vacation will do the trick when, in actuality, we’re still in hustle mode and still ignoring our heart’s cries.
A Soul Sabbatical is about owning your desires in addition to your responsibilities. It’s about learning to listen to your deep wisdom to guide your days.
Hi, I’m Yolanda. In 2021, I was faced with the stark reality that things in my life needed to change, in a big way. The way I was living my days did not align with the way I wanted to live my life.
The problem was that I was checking off all of the “self-care” boxes, but was still suffocating. I’d do enough to come up for a desperate gasp of air, then go right back into the weeds. It wasn’t working.
So, I went on a Soul Sabbatical journey – one that was much deeper than checking off the box of attending another yoga class or scheduling another massage.
I learned who I was under the performing and people pleasing. I learned to fully love myself, with my imperfections and my needs and my wants and my desires. I learned to allow myself to fully be loved.
I thought I was recovering from burnout. I ended up healing my heart.
As I shared my experience and my process with the women in my circles, I started to realize how many other women connected with my struggle and were excited to hear about my experience of stepping back from the hustle and connecting to my heart.
So I’ve written a book. And I’m looking forward to sharing it with you, because we’re all looking for more peace, more joy, and more happiness.
You’ve ignored your heart’s cries and stifled your spirit and soul for too long. It’s time to take a break from chasing after your next big goal and chase after your own heart. It’s time to create time and space to see and love your own humanity. Don’t wait for the next milestone, the next big promotion, for retirement to start living your damn life.
I can’t wait for you to join me on this journey!